Saturday, April 11, 2009

Life Long Dreams

Goodbye everyone! I'll be off, fulfilling a life long dream of mine for the next two weeks. My mom says I'm too young to fulfill a life long dream but hey-this is only 1 piece of the dream! I really want to see every continent before I die so really, this is just part 1 of my 6 part dream (I've decided to skip Antarctica).

I'm flying into London tomorrow ! I'll be there for 4 days with another girl, Laura. She goes to school in Boston and is from DC. After London, we're off to Dublin where we are meeting up with another girl, Megan. I went to Berlin with Megan and she is also from Eau Claire.

After 2 days in Dublin, we're off to PARIS!!! I know I've already been there but... do I ever love Paris :) It's funny because it is my least favorite part of France (I'm 100% positive that the RUDE Frenchman stereotype comes from Parisians) but still, IT'S PARIS!! lol. I'm a weeeeeeeeee bit excited.

Next stop, Geneva. I'm excited for Geneva because unlike in Paris, people will actually appreciate my attempts to speak French with them. I haven't spoken French for quite a while, but I'd still like to impress the nice people of Geneva with what little skills I still have. I've always heard that people in Geneva are extremely friendly and they love when foreigners try to speak one of the 4 official languages of Switzerland (French, Italian, German, and Romansh). Geneva is a French speaking section but almost everyone there speaks English. But like I said, I'll try my French anyways. I'll let you know how it goes.

After Geneva, a few hour train ride to Venice. I've heard that just wondering around Venice is the best way to experience it. We'll find out.

And for anyone who may be worried about me-don't be. We have all of our hostels booked AND we're bringing directions from the airports/train stations to them. We definitely are prepared for this trip. Although when we get to each city, we're pretty much just going to wander around and look at stuff. Anything that's free :)

I also feel that I will not stand out as much as I do here (in London and Dublin at the very least). So that will be a nice feeling.

So goodbye everyone! I probably won't have reliable access to internet while I'm gone so I'll have to wait until I'm back to blog and post photos of the trip.

I'm so excited!!!

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