Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Back to school

I've gone to all 4 of my classes as of yesterday. I am very excited for the classes here not only because they will most likely be way less challenging than my studies at Eau Claire but because they should be fairly interesting. I'm taking History of Ancient Greece, Global Marketing, Operations Management, and International Economics. So far it seems that my econ class will be my favorite (big surprise there... I'm a total nerd). The professor is really awesome. He is very animated and funny so I should at the very least, stay awake during his class.

I did have to buy books today. And let me tell you, what an awful experience. I'm pretty sure I could have bought a months worth of food for that chunk of change (193 Euro = 250 Dollars) so that SUCKED ASS. I guess I'm pretty spoiled with my book rental at UWEC (which I am WELL aware of). I did get back $100 from taxes already, so we'll just say that my books were on Uncle Sam this time around.

The weather has apparently been much nicer than normal thus far. Usually in the 50's and fairly sunny. Yesterday was BEAUTIFUL out, but I spent most of my time on the city bus to school, then in class, then the city bus back home. I guess that the next few days its supposed to get much colder and maybe even SNOW. I'm interested to see what snow is like here because according to most of my econ class, the Greeks will absolutely freak out when it snows. They figure that it only snows 1-3 times a year, why should they bother getting ready for it? School may also close down, depending on the amount we get. This is all rather hilarious to me, as I remember going to school in 3 feet of snow with -20 in windchill temperatures (because it really should be -40 to be considered "cold").

I'm still trying to adjust to the whole "lack of things to do". On Mondays and Wednesdays I have a 5.5 hour break between classes. It's rather pointless to try and get all the way back to my apartment and then back to class because I feel that this is a waste of a good 0.50 bus ticket. I've just started this super long break and am currently sitting on the top floor of the library, clacking loudly on my keyboard to type this blog :) Maybe I will get some homework soon and will be able to get much studying done during these breaks. I'm not used to all this free time!

I got my I.D. card today. It's kinda funny, actually. It's just a white card with a red strip on the top with "ACT" in the corner, my horrible photo (which they took with a digital camera), and three lines of words. "Demalignon Lucy, ACT student, 20080269" That's it. Very plain and simple. Don't even know why I need this other than checking out books at the library.

I don't have any more news really. All is well in Thessaloniki! I shall post again the next time I feel like it :)

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