Saturday, February 7, 2009

I'm OK!

Sorry to all for not posting! I have not had internet! I got into Thessaloniki on Monday afternoon :) So far everything has been awesome. I absolutely love it here. I love the town, the people, the food, the language, everything!!!

My roommate is awesome. She goes to Northeastern University in Boston (she's not from Boston so no crazy funny accent). We are very similar. So much so that it's actually starting to scare me a little bit. Our apartment is small but not cramped. We went to IKEA a few days ago to buy a few pots and pans. And we are both cheap skates so it worked out great! Bare minimum for us :)

School starts Monday so I haven't been to classes yet. However, I've been on the campus for orientation and it is very nice. It is only 2 buildings and one of them is the library. There are only 400 students in the entire school (a little less than my graduating class at North) so this should be very interesting.

The town is awesome! It is very much a LATE LATE LATE night party town. People don't even go out until 11 or midnight and they stay out until 4 a.m. or later. I went out for the first time two nights ago with a huge group of study abroad students (all the Americans, there's about 90 of us mostly from Eau Claire, Boston, Tampa FL, and some school in Iowa). We went to a really cool bar "Taverna" with live music. The band played all blues and classic rock so it was nice. It was fun for me because in the States I'm not yet allowed to go out late or even drink. I laughed at me and Allison (my roommate) because we drank Guiness and Whiskey at the Greek bar! LOL. It's nice here though because you don't drink to get drunk rather to relax and have a good time. Allison and I split some Greek wine our first night and it was amazing. I highly enjoyed it. We were also served wine with lunch at school.

We just got back from hanging out by the sea and drinking "Frappe" with Baileys in it. Whipped coffee :) Very tasty, and very common around here to have frappe. The buses are easy to use and very frequent even late into the night. But it is also OK to walk lots of places here, the town is rather safe and friendly (obviously I'm still careful so don't worry about me too much).

This is starting to get pretty long but I'll have photos up as soon as I can. But I figure I'll be here for four months so I will have more than enough photos to share.

I miss you all but I am having a great time so I'm not too sad yet! Love to all!

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