Tuesday, May 19, 2009

This is the end... (almost)

Now that my time here is winding down, I’m starting to look forward to things that are waiting for me at home. I can’t believe I have less than a month left. It’s all gone so fast! Now I’m trying to cram in all the stuff I wanted to do and put off until now. I’ve decided to dedicate this blog to the top 10 things I will miss about Greece and the top 10 things I definitely can’t wait to get away from:

Top 10 Things I Hate (in order of annoyance level):
10. Slow Internet- A minor inconvenience, but annoying all the same.

9. Pigeons- I just hate these birds!

8. Stray Animals- Not too bad, I usually just feel bad for them. They don’t scare me, but its #7 that becomes a real problem…

7. Dog/cat poop on sidewalks- Pretty self explanatory. Watch where you’re going in Greece, is my best advice.

6. Hot and crowded buses- B.O. to the max. Yuck. Also, getting crammed into a bus in that one spot where I always get hit by the doors. It’s super fun.

5. Shop hours- I can never go shopping here because stuff is never open. Not that I have any money to spend anyway, but I can’t even look!

4. Bed- This bed at my apartment is awful. It feels like I’m sleeping on a board most of the time. I’m going to need serious chiropractor help when I get home to re-correct MY SPINE.

3. Cars have the right-of-way- You pretty much always feel like you’re going to get run down.

2. Laundry- 2 washing machines for an entire building of 8 floors. You do the math. Also, it takes almost 2 hours to do 1 load of wash and we are only allowed to do the wash from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. then again from 5 p.m. to 11 p.m. It SUCKS.

1. Not flushing toilet paper- Its strange how used to this you get after a while. But, it’s still pretty gross.

Top 10 Things I Love:
10. Kiosks- Little stands every block that sell drinks, bus tickets, snacks, basically little mini Super Americas! EVERYWHERE! I love them.

9. Convenience of buses- Even if they are a little crowded sometimes, they are really convenient and cheap. You can get anywhere in Thessaloniki on public transportation. It’s great.

8. FOOD- Refer to the “Taverna” section 

7. Weather- It’s a little hot now, but it is BEAUTIFUL! Sunny everyday, gorgeous sunsets, and lovely walking weather at night.

*Sunset by the water in Thessaloniki

6. My new roommate and new friends- I’ve met some of the coolest people ever, and I can’t wait to roadtrip some day to see them again once we’re back in the states!

*The gang at Harry's Spot, one of our favorite hang outs!

5. Relaxed school- Wow, is it ever going to be hard to adjust back to life in Eau Claire after this semester. The professors are so laid back with assignments, and they even encourage skipping class to go travel! Traveling is just as important a learning experience as being here, is the typical attitude.

4. Being able to stay out late- Just not used to this sort of thing in Eau Claire. If you’re not 21, you have pretty limited options and most stuff closes by 11 p.m. Thrilling, really.

*Night in Thessaloniki, by the water

3. Tzatziki- YES, this needs its own category separate from food. That’s how much I love it! I will be making it frequently back home as well, if I can find good enough Greek yogurt in Wisconsin.

2. The people- Greek people have been so kind to me here. People will really go out of their way to help you!

1. The sea- I will be so sad to not live close by a sea once I leave. I love to walk down by the waterfront by my apartment, and the last 2 weekends I’ve spent the day at beaches in Halkidiki. Crystal clear water and sandy beaches… that’s the life for me!!

*Look at that clear water... beautiful!

*A beach 30 minutes away from Thessaloniki

And last but not least… Things I cannot wait to get back to!!
TACOS JUANITA! SHANGHAI BISTRO! CHINA BUFFET! (Cheap greasy food for college students in general)
NIKO!! (my roommate’s cute little doggy!!)
My new apartment
Having a car
A REAL oven and stove top

…and there’s probably some other stuff as well, but those are the big ones that I’ve been missing a lot while out here. I’ll get to see Marc in 7 DAYS though!!

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